25th Ch.Show, Saturday 18th May 2013 —RESULTS 
Judge:Mr.Tony Fleetwood (Auberge/Abbeyleigh)

Dog C.C. &B.I.S  Carripom Zachariah
Dog R.C.C.           Bilijees Truelee Red
Bitch C.C. &R.B.I.S        Kazpom Just Be Coz
Bitch R.C.C.                     Norvanik Gold Digger
B.P.I.S.                  Belliver Unexpectedly at Lireva

MPD  1.Cawthera’s                      Belliver Unexpectedly at Lireva
           2.Van de Burght’s             Norvanik Game Boy
           3.Odd’s                               Squadron Leader at Trenarwyn
           4.Niven-Lewis’s                 Velvet D’Amour New Love from Rostellar
           5.Orchard&Whitelock’s   Soffies Dark Shadow

PD     1.Adamson’s                       Sylvids Thistle Do
          2.Pope’s                               Lillise Freddie Mercury at Keisyl

JD     1.Carrigan’s                        Carripom Arizona
          2.Flavell’s                            Hadleigh Mr.Wonderful
          3.Lewis&Slocombe’s          Pommania Headline News

ND    1. Van de Burght’s              Norvanik Game Boy
          2. Lewis & Slocombe’s       Pommania Headline News

PGD  1.Ogilvie’s                            Pakov’s I’m a Celebrity
          2. Barr’s                               Degsy Little Star
          3. McDowall’s                     Carberry Midnight Quest
          4. Sneddon’s                        Pakov’s Black By Demand By Lillipoms
          5. Johnstone’s                     Pakov’s Just a Fluke For Cairnpapple

LD    1. Carrigan’s                       Carripom Zachariah
          2. Pope’s                              Keisyl Phantom OVD Opera
          3. Bailey’s                            Craigivar Bachelor Boy
          4. McDowall’s                     Degsy Star Attraction
          5. Chalmers’                        Earnpride Foxtrot

OD    1.Carrigan’s                        Carripom Zachariah
          2.Odd’s                                Ch.Our Ambassador for Trenarwyn
          3.Pike’s                                Ch.Breezelyn Dark’n’Dazzlin
          4.Ogilvie’s                           Ch. Degsy Starman at Pakov
          5.Stone’s                              Bilijees What a Charmer

VD    1.Lambert’s                        Benlease Ace of Spades

MPB 1.Niven-Lewis’s                  Rostellar Red Sparkler
          2.Orchard&Whitelock’s    Fire and Ice
          3.Carrigan’s                        Carripom Louisiana
          4.Worthington’s                 Nyellastock Tia
          5.Mathieson’s                     Pomandenmore Gypsy Rose

PB     1.Carrigan’s                       Passion Queen Vermgoldi at Carripom
          2.Pike’s                               Breezelyn Too Hot to Handle 
          3.Adamson’s                       Sylvids Heather Cream
          4.Worthington’s                 Nyellastock Tia
JB     1.Ogilvie’s                           Pakov’s I’m So Pretty
          2.Adamson’s                       Donnels Special Delivery
          3.Sneddon’s                        Lillipoms Cream Dream
          4.Lambert’s                        Jillapom Talula with Pomstar

NB     1.Ogilvie’s                          Pakov’s Sittin’ Pretty

PGB  1.Wright’s                          Toybox Dot Pom
          2.Adamsons                        Veltuds Summer Lovin
          3.Stewart’s                          Pakov’s Custom Made
LB    1.Nixon’s                              Kazpom Just Be Coz
         2.Van de Burght’s               Norvanik Gold Digger
         3.Pike’s                                 Breezelyn Love at First Bite
         4.Mathieson’s                      Pomandenmore Cotton Candy 
         5.Sneddon’s                         Degsy Dream Lover at Lillipoms

OB  1.Cawthera’s                        Ch.Lireva’s To Hell an Black
        2.Thornton’s                        Ch. Cradarr Military Fanfare
        3.Odd’s                                 Trenarwyn Blazin Eclipse
        4.Mathieson’s                       Pomandenmore Suzi Que
        5.Ogilvie’s                            Pakov’s Lady Muck

VB  1. Ogilvie’s                            Ch.Pakov’s I’m Viva
        2.Mcdowall’s                        Carberry Black Bramble

Black/Cream  1.Adamson’s        Sylvids Thistle Do
                         2.       ”                  Sylvids Heather Cream
                         3. Stewart’s          Pakov’s Blond Moment

Orange            1.Slough’s                     Pomstyle You Make Me Feel So Good at Pommania
                         2.Cawthera’s                Lireva’s Flower of Scotland
                         3.Chalmers’                  Earnpride Foxtrot

Orange Sable  1. Bailey’s            Craigivar Bachelor Boy
                         2. Wright’s          Toybox Dot Pom
                         3. Johnstone’s     Pakov’s Just a Fluke for Cairnpapple

A.O.C.             1.Slough’s            Aesthetics Asta La Vista for Pommania
                         2.Adamson’s       Veltuds Summer Lovin
                         3.Chaplin’s          Oakmyst All That Jazz at Taylarig

Stud Dog        1. Orchard&Whitelock’s   Ch.Soffies 2 Sexy

Brood Bitch   1. Adamson’s Veltuds Black Tara
                        2. Ogilvie’s Pleased To Be Black

Ellen Ballantyne Memorial Stakes
                       1. Ogilvie’s           Ch.Degsy Starman at Pakov
                       2. Nixon’s             Kazpom   Code Name
                       3. Stewart’s          Pakov’s Blond Moment

This was the Club’s 25th Ch.Show and to celebrate each exhibitor was given a small gift of a decorated candle,  and a celebration cake,  showing Ch.Pakov’s I’m Viva,  was sliced for general consumption. Mrs.Sylvia Adamson donated cupcakes for 1-4th in each class.
Courtesy of generous donations there was also prize money for BIS and BPIS.
The judge also donated sashes and engraved glassware for his principal winners, so all in all it was a happy show.
We are indebted, as usual to Dick Morrison of Bowerswell CKCS for his usual excellent stewarding and to Royal Canin for their generous sponsorship.
Thanks too to Andrew Stewart for stewarding the Special Awards Classes
We held our annual raffle in aid of the WAG campaign against puppy farming. We thank exhibitors for their continued support and Cath Stewart for her delicious meringues also sold at the show for this most worthy cause


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